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Sibel Akcekaya

Google Analytics Premium versus Adobe Analytics (Omniture) Native App SDK

I have been comparing Adobe Analytics with Google Analytics since the latter became a paid tool. I am an independent consultant and I like to use the best software for my clients which both empowers me and my clients. I like to help other companies/colleagues learn more about analytics products in the marketplace. I have been seeing a trend where salespeople and agencies sell products to the companies with lots of false promises. If you are a web analyst or head of digital analytics department it is your responsibility to learn all the facts and make the final decision. When you buy a software with limited information, you are running a risk of getting stuck with a tool that does not serve your needs for a long time. Please remember installing an analytics software is a complicated process that can’t be changed every month or so.

There is no absolute right answer as to which product to use. It really depends on your business and your needs. This decision should be done uniquely for each company. Some features that is better on one software might be not related to your business. At the end you will compare differences and will choose the product with the best possible combination for your business.

If you still can’t decide, I always recommend POC (proof of concept). That way you can see if promised features really work with your plans. I have been working with different softwares for over 15 years and now I know enough that I would never sign up for any software without doing POC or without signing strict terms that make sure promised features would indeed work after sales. Otherwise you can end up with a sentence like that “Well we can do it but your system is not compatible with us”.

Still Google and Adobe are leading the digital analytics software world. This is expected because the team, infrastructure you need to run a digital analytics software is very complex and costly.

Before jumping on my article about native apps, I want to remind you my other articles comparing both products.

This article will help you to compare 2 products for native apps. Please read on if native apps are very important for your business.

Unfortunately Google Analytics does not bring interesting things into its native SDK. We hope that hey will start to bring some of the new features soon. Below list summarizes features that are on Adobe Analytics SDK but not on Google Analytics.

Please not that I still have not examined or used Google’s Firebase product. This comparison below does not include Google Firebase.

1-In-app messaging and push notifications on apps by Adobe Analytics

Wouldn’t it be amazing If we can send in-app messages and push notifications right out of our analytics software. I think It would be amazing and apparently that’s what was in Adobe’s mind. Adobe added in-app messaging and push notifications feature for FREE to its SDK. This means that you can target people right out of your analytics software instead of using another software. This is a very important feature. When you do independent campaigns with no connection to your analytics software you will not understand how all campaigns affected the results. You will not learn, and each independent campaign will be like a short-term action that will be lost with no lessons. With Adobe Analytics feature you can target your segments and later you can automatically see the reaction, and that way you can keep optimizing your campaigns. For instance you can opt-out those who completed an action, or who never responded to your message. Or you can show them different message or visual. You can also use this feature to help customers to move from one screen to another by deep linking that can be served by in-app message.

2-Point of Interest and Geo-location on apps by Adobe Analytics

You can add location to your SDK and you can target your customers based on this location. You can also see where your customers are located. These features are all possible If customer lets you to collect location data.

3-Experience testing (A/B) for apps by Adobe Analytics

Adobe’s Target is installed in SDK so you can lead A/B testing and optimization on your apps too.

4-Timed Events for apps by Adobe Analytics

We can measure and report of the amount of time users take to complete key events, including in-app time and total time.

5-App store and in-app combined report by Adobe Analytics

On Adobe Analytics we can also display imported app store data such as revenue, downloads, and rankings in the same reports as launches, upgrades, and user retention

These are highlights of features that can be found in Adobe Analytics SDK.

These features do not necessarily suggest that you should get Adobe Analytics asap. As I emphasized at the beginning of this article this depends on what you need and what you can implement.

that’s all

sibel akcekaya

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